No Shortage of Craic (Gym + Coffee Annual Report 2020)

Entering this online annual report will take you to the end of the webpage, with the thumb on the scroll bar positioned right at the bottom. Quite a curious first impression, but this one’s a visual treat.

Gym + Coffee is an athleisure brand was born in Ireland, that has become an ever-growing community across a number of countries. While we can all agree that the last year has not been one of fun and games, the annual report of Gym + Coffee for 2020 is playfully laid out: snakes and ladders style.

In order to browse this report, you will need to scroll up and follow the squares, as per the snakes and ladders format. Clicking on the logo will take you to the official website.

The photography used throughout the report is stylish and people-centric, even creating a sense of longing for adventure in the reader. Images are coupled with a variety of illustration styles, which contributes to the informality of the report.

Cool pastel colours have been used throughout, as though to soften the harsh blows dealt by the year 2020.

Hovering the mouse over a tile causes a title to appear, like a hint, either in words or numbers, prompting the reader to click for more. Clicking on a tile makes it swivel horizontally, somewhat like a flashcard, revealing relevant text on the other side. Further, hyperlinked text will take you to external sites with more related information –articles, social media platforms or the store.

The writing style matches the adventurous photography and quirky illustrations, and also matches the brand personality.

Interestingly, ladders are positioned at areas which mention the high points of 2020, while snakes appear at low points – mostly pandemic related ones.

There were highs, and there were lows, but this report makes it clear that there’s been no shortage of craic at Gym + Coffee during the year 2020.

Online Report :

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