In Our Nature (PSA International, 2022)

PSA International Pte. Ltd (previously the Port of Singapore Authority) is a leading port operations group and partner to cargo stakeholders. For 2022, PSA International focuses on the theme of nature, urging us to “Look through our binoculars to gain greater insight into our business.”

This report won multiple ARC Awards, including the Grand Award for Best Interactive Report in Asia Pacific. It’s evident why it won the Grand Award even at a first glance – the report lays out the financial highlights of the company in a clever and engaging manner that keeps readers intrigued, a rarity in annual reports. The design of the report considers not only the company’s shareholders; it also focuses on its customers and general readers.

The web page for the report opens with a picture of a man gazing into nature, an animated backdrop of birds and butterflies providing for an engaging sight. These illustrations by Caroline Lim provide a unique feel to the report, the green colour theme present throughout as an homage to their global user base.

There is an option to go through the carousel navigation within the report, which gives its readers the freedom to glance at what interests them the most.

The copywriting within the report, along with how each chapter has an animal that represents a value of PSA International, makes the report easy to digest and keeps its readers engaged throughout.

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